Blake Lively is in full promo mode for her upcoming film, It Ends With Us, and she’s doing it in style. The Gossip Girl star made a stunning appearance on the CBS Morning Show, rocking a blue patterned suit dress from Dior’s Fall 1997 collection. The fitted jacket, worn without a top underneath, accentuated her cleavage, while the above-the-knee pencil skirt added a touch of sophistication.
Blake, 36, completed her look with light blue and white polka dot Manolo Blahnik Camparinew Mary Jane Pumps and a small, circular Chanel Camellia Bag. Her accessories included a Retrouvai Ruby Heart Ring and Lorraine Schwartz Jewelry, elevating her ensemble to new heights.
Blake Lively’s daring yet elegant style is a testament to her fashion prowess, making her a true icon in the world of fashion and film.