Decoupled is an Indian comedy-drama TV series that was premiered on Netflix on 17 December 2021. The story revolves around a writer and his wife who announce their divorce at a party. Here’s the complete list of the cast and crew of “Decoupled”:
Dilnaz Irani
As: Reema
Know more about her from here➡️ Dilnaz Irani’s StarsUnfolded Profile
R Madhavan
As: Arya Iyer
Know more about him from here➡️ R Madhavan’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Atul Kumar
As: Agni
Aseem Hattangadi
As: Mayank
Mir Afsar Ali
As: Dr. Basu
Know more about him from here➡️ Mir Afsar Ali’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Himanee Bhatia
Surveen Chawla
As: Shruti Sharma Iyer
Know more about her from here➡️ Surveen Chawla’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Srestha Banerjee
Role: Sangeeta Rawat
Arista Mehta
As: Rohini Iyer
Sonia Rathee
As: Masha
Apara Mehta
As: Madhu Sharma
Know more about her from here➡️ Apara Mehta’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Akash Khurana
As: Surinder Sharma
Know more about him from here➡️ Akash Khurana’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Chetan Bhagat
Know more about him from here➡️ Chetan Bhagat’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Mukesh Bhatt
As: Ganesh
Nazneen Madan
As: Bhumika