Mai is an Indian crime thriller TV series that was premiered on Netflix on 15 April 2022. The story revolves around Sheel Chaudhary (played by Sakshi Tanwar) who avenges the killing of her daughter on her own way. Here’s the complete list of the cast and crew of “Mai”:
Sakshi Tanwar
As: Sheel Chaudhary
Know more about her from here➡️ Sakshi Tanwar’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Vivek Mushran
As: Yash Chaudhary
Know more about him from here➡️ Vivek Mushran’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Wamiqa Gabbi
As: Supriya Chaudhary
Know more about her from here➡️ Wamiqa Gabbi’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Raima Sen
As: Neelam
Know more about her from here➡️ Raima Sen’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Anant Vidhaat
As: Prashant
Know more about him from here➡️ Anant Vidhaat’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Vaibhav Raj Gupta
As: Shankar
Ankur Ratan
As: SP Farooque Siddiqui
Seema Pahwa
As: Kalpana
Know more about her from here➡️ Seema Pahwa’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Prashant Narayanan
As: Jawahar Vyas
Omkar Jaiprakash
As: Keshav
Saurabh Dubey
As: Raghu
Ikhlaque Khan
As: Dr. Chaudhary
Anubha Fatehpuria
As: Mrs. Chaudhary
Sandeepa Dhar
As: Inaya Siddiqui
Know more about her from here➡️ Sandeepa Dhar’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Sarika Singh
As: Meenu
Know more about her from here➡️ Sarika Singh’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Rashmi Seth
As: Kusum Vyas
Akash Khurana
As: Vishnu Goyal
Know more about him from here➡️ Akash Khurana’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Mikhail Gandhi
As: Archit Chaudhary
Amit Singh Thakur
As: Jayesh Desai
Siddhant Mahajan
As: Vikram
Jay Shanker Pandey
Role: Madan Truck Driver
Ravish Srivastava
Role: Arms Supplier
Satyen Chaturvedi
Role: Swiss Banker