Undekshi is an Indian crime thriller TV series, which was premiered on 10 July 2020 on SonyLIV. The story revolves around a murder in the jungle of Sunderbans, which is being investigated by a couple of police officers. Here’s the complete list of the cast and crew of “Undekhi”:
Dibyendu Bhattacharya
As: DSP Barun Ghosh
Role: A policeman from West Bengal
Know more about him from here➡️ Dibyendu Bhattacharya’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Surya Sharma
As: Rinku Paaji
Harsh Chhaya
As: Papaji
Know more about him from here➡️ Harsh Chhaya’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Abhishek Chauhan
As: Rishi
Role: The videographer
Ayn Zoya
As: Saloni
Apeksha Porwal
As: Koyal
Role: Adivasi girl from Sundarban
Ankur Rathee
As: Daman
Role: Papaji’s son
Know more about him from here➡️ Ankur Rathee’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Karmveer Choudhary
As: Kandpal
Anchal Singh
As: Teji
Vaarun Bhagat
As: Lucky
Sayandeep Sengupta
As: Shashwat
Meenakshi Sethi
Role: Papaji’s wife
Shivaani Sopuri
Role: Rinku’s Mother
Apurva Soni
As: Kanak
Raynu Verma
Olivia Merey
As: Alice
Diwakar Dhayani
Role: Inspector Dogra
Babita Dogra
As: Praful
Mehrnosh Mistry
Role: Constable
Kush Jobanputra
As: Sohail
Chandra Khanna
As: Teji’s Father
Saurabh Pachauri
As: Gera
Bikramjeet Kanwarpal
As: Dhaundiyal
Subeer Kasali
Role: Muskaan Mother
Maahi Khan
Prerika Arora
Know more about her from here➡️ Prerika Arora’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Gautum Das
As: Ayub
Kunal Madhiwalla
Role: News Reporter
Pyarali Nayani
Role: D.I.G