“Yeh Hai Chahatein” is an Indian television series that airs on Star Plus. The show is a spin-off of the popular Indian drama ‘Yeh Hai Mohabbatein.’ It premiered on 19 December 2019. The show is based on the story of a single mother who looks after her sister’s child after the death of her sister. Here’s the complete list of the cast and crew of “Yeh Hai Chahatein”:
Sargun Kaur Luthra
As: Dr. Prisha Srinivasan– Gynaecologist
Role: Vasudha and Gopal’s daughter
?Know more about her from here➡️ Sargun Kaur Luthra’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Abrar Qazi
As: Rudraksh Khurana
Role: Rockstar
?Know more about him from here➡️ Abrar Qazi’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Vidhaan Sharma
As: Saransh Srinivasan
Role: Prisha’s adoptive son
Siddharth Shivpuri
As: Yuvraj Pillai
?Know more about him from here➡️ Siddharth Shivpuri’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Indira Krishnan
As: Vasudha Srinivasan
Role: Prisha’s mother
?Know more about her from here➡️ Indira Krishnan’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Vijay Kashyap
As: Gopal Krishna Srinivasan
Role: Prisha’s father
Aishwarya Sakhuja
As: Ahana
?Know more about her from here➡️ Aishwarya Sakhuja’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Aishwarya Khare
?Know more about her from here➡️ Aishwarya Khare’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Indraneil Sengupta
?Know more about him from here➡️ Indraneil Sengupta’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Katie Iqbal
Satyajit Sharma
As: Balraj Khurana
?Know more about him from here➡️ Satyajit Sharma’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Sunakshi Sharma
Divyanka Tripathi
As: Dr Ishita Iyer from Yeh Hai Mohabbatein
Role: Guest appearance
?Know more about her from here➡️ Divyanka Tripathi’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Karan Patel
As: Raman Bhalla from Yeh Hai Mohabbatein
Role: Guest appearance
?Know more about him from here➡️ Karan Patel’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Aditya Deshmukh
Vanya Joshi
Tanu Khan
Role: Ahana’s younger sister
?Know more about her from here➡️ Tanu Khan’s StarsUnfolded Profile